Driving when you are tired is extremely dangerous because it can cause a lack of concentration, slow reaction times, and more. Falling asleep at the wheel, even for just a second, could get you in a life-threatening accident. At Wrench, we want our customers to be safe at all times, so we want to provide tips and tricks to avoid drivers fatigue.


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  1. Get Enough Sleep
    You should always be sure to get enough sleep before you drive, even if it is just a short drive. A minimum of 6 hours is recommended, but 8 or more is better. You should also limit your driving time between the hours of midnight and 6 am. If you feel tired before you drive, you should try to take a nap between 10-45 minutes. Please don’t get behind the wheel when you are tired, you could end up putting yourself or others in danger.
  2. Eat Healthy
    Try to avoid skipping meals and make sure you eat healthy foods, not just the burgers and pizza you might find at rest stops. Try to find somewhere that has a good amount of vegetables and fruits, and especially protein. Eating at weird times can also throw off your biological clock and make you tired when you normally wouldn’t be tired. When you are out on the road, keep healthy snacks in your center console or glovebox and a bottle of water so you can nourish yourself anywhere.
  3. Avoid Alcohol or Medications
    Never drink and drive! If you drink alcohol, it could impair your ability to drive and cause you to become drowsy. In fact, this goes for all mind altering substances. If you take medications that make you sleepy or drowsy, have someone else drive you to your destination instead. You’d rather be safe than sorry!
  4. Don’t Rely on Alertness Tools
    There are many ways to keep yourself awake on the road, but they may only work for a little bit. For example, some people swear by drinking coffee, opening the window, or turning on the radio when they are tired. These are good ways to help you stay alert, but the best way to prepare for a drive is to get lots of sleep beforehand.
  5. Move Around
    If you find yourself getting tired, pull over your car and try walking around. Getting your blood pumping might wake you up and stretching your legs is always a good idea if you are doing a long drive.

If you find yourself too tired to drive to your destination, we recommend you play it safe and call someone to pick you up or get a hotel room nearby. A lot of people don’t realize the true dangers of driving while tired, so please be aware of how you are feeling before you get on the road. Getting to your destination isn’t worth risking your life!

Another big car-related issue that many people struggle with is car sickness. For some people, driving or riding in a car can be a pretty difficult task because the constant stop and go and turning around again and again can make them feel pretty nauseous. If you or someone you know has a hard time dealing with car sickness, take a look at our blog post to figure out how you can stop car sickness fast!

And like always, if you ever find yourself dealing with a broken down vehicle, give Wrench a call or click here, and we will come to you so you can spend your time inside your home catching up on some much needed sleep in the comfort of your very own bed. We are committed to keeping you on the road, and ensuring your safety is one of them! Book your appointment with us today!


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