Wrench Inc. Limited Warranty: Commercial Enterprise Clients

This Limited Warranty which is provided by Wrench, Inc. (“Wrench,” “we” or “us”), applies solely to Wrench Commercial Enterprise Clients contracting directly with Wrench for automotive repair services “(Vehicle Services”).
[NOTE: This Limited Warranty does not extend to Consumer, Individual or Private Party Customers of Wrench. Consumer limited warranty and terms of use may be found by clicking here: https://wrench.com/warranty .]

Warranty Coverage

Subject to the exclusions, limitations and conditions set forth below, and pursuant to any additional obligations, terms and conditions contained in any other active written agreements between Wrench and a Wrench Commercial Enterprise Client, Wrench warrants that the Vehicle Services will be free from defects in:

  1. Materials (i.e., that the parts replaced in the performance of the Vehicle Services are not defective and perform as expected under normal usage conditions); and
  2. Workmanship (i.e., that the Vehicle Services were performed correctly).

Limited Warranty Period

This Limited Warranty is for a period of 12 months or 12,000 miles of use, whichever comes first, measured from the date the Vehicle Services are provided and the odometer reading shown on the applicable invoice (the “Warranty Period”). Note that any remedial work performed under this Limited Warranty will not restart the Warranty Period.

Some materials provided by Technicians may carry a separate warranty that extends beyond the Warranty Period. In such instance the term of the manufacturer’s warranty will apply to materials (but workmanship shall remain subject to the Warranty Period).

Claims Under Limited Warranty

If there is a materials or workmanship defect within the Warranty Period, Wrench will, at its sole option, and at no additional cost to Client: (i) engage a Technician or third-party automotive repair facility without charge to Client to perform remedial service work and/or replace defective part(s) installed in connection with the Vehicle Services; or (ii) refund any amount actually paid to Wrench for the Vehicle Services. In the event that a refund is to be issued due to defective materials, Wrench may require the return of the defective part or parts at issue prior to processing a refund. We will not be responsible for any core fee charges associated with returning the defective part or parts.

Wrench expressly does not assume nor does it authorize any other party to assume for or on behalf of Wrench, any other obligation or liability in connection with the Vehicle Services.

Not Covered Under This Limited Warranty

This Limited Warranty does not cover:

  1. Any damage to a vehicle under contract, caused by abnormal use (use beyond the intended purpose), misuse, neglect (such as not performing maintenance services in accordance with the instructions in the owner’s manual for the vehicle), alteration or tampering, or by external causes (such as accidents, fire, water and freezing);
  2. Any Vehicle Services work which Client has contracted to an outside third-party provider (other than Wrench), unless prior approval in writing is given by Wrench.
  3. Any diagnostic or inspection service.
  4. Any issues unrelated to the Vehicle Services ordered. For the sake of clarity, in any instance in which specifically requested Vehicle Services do not remedy a previously identified problem, with the exception of problems related to the parts or Technician service provided, this Limited Warranty does not cover other unrelated causes for the identified Vehicle problem.
  5. Any pre-existing condition or latent defect with a vehicle that is not known by the Technician prior to starting the Vehicle Services and that is discovered during or after the Vehicle Services are performed are not covered by this Limited Warranty.
  6. Any consequential damage or effects of the Vehicle Services performed, unrelated to any of the parts replaced being defective or any of the repair work being done incorrectly are not covered by this Limited Warranty.
  7. This Limited Warranty is entirely void when:
    1. Any parts not ordered through (or approved by) Wrench are installed by the Technician;
    2. Any Vehicle Service request made by Client that materially deviates from a manufacturer’s recommendation; or
    3. After receiving the Vehicle Services through Wrench, the Vehicle is taken to a third-party vehicle repair service provider for purposes of diagnosis or repair of a problem believed to be associated with such Vehicle Services, without giving Wrench prior opportunity to inspect and remedy the problem (or to consent to a third-party vehicle repair service provider to do so).
    4. Any determination of whether this Limited Warranty does not apply or is otherwise void as to a particular warranty claim shall be made by Wrench at Wrench’s sole discretion.
    5. Client will be charged for one hour of labor fees if a service call is made under this Limited Warranty for an alleged defect determined not to be the result of a defect in materials or workmanship of the Vehicle Services.

Process for filing a claim under this Limited Warranty

  1. A written claim must be filed to client account manager or via warranty@wrench.com , and at a minimum must include:
    1. Date the service was completed, VIN, Vehicle Name and/or Plate Number, Purchase Order (if applicable), and Case Number.
    2. Specify nature of the claim: workmanship, parts, or both
    3. Related photographs (if any) and any other related data
    4. A brief description of the extent of damages and circumstances around the claim.
    5. Claim must be filed within two (2) business days of Client’s notice of the Vehicle Service issue. Failure to report the incident to Wrench within two business days may void the warranty claim.
  2. Within two business days of receipt of a written claim, Wrench will acknowledge receipt of the clam and issue a preliminary determination of eligibility for the claim, pursuant to this Limited Warranty. If eligible, Wrench will initiate the claims process and send a Technician to conduct a visual inspection of the problem. If the Technician determines that there is a defect in materials or workmanship of the Vehicle Services and Wrench elects to perform remedial service work and/or replace defective part(s) installed, Wrench will perform such work and/or replace such part(s) at no cost to Client.
  3. In the event Wrench elects NOT to perform remedial service work, (or through mutual agreement with the Client it is decided to contract the service work to a third party), Wrench reserves the right to source and approve any Third- Party quote for said services, prior to services being rendered. Wrench will reimburse any such Third-Party costs provided that Wrench previously approved such services.
  4. If the Technician and/or the agreed upon service provider determines that the claimed defect is not the result of a defect in materials or workmanship of the Vehicle Services, the Client (at Client’s sole expense) may request a qualified independent third-party evaluation of the claimed defect. In the event a Third-Party evaluation determines that the claimed defect is the result of a defect in materials or workmanship (or both), Wrench and Client will negotiate in good faith a mutually agreeable solution. Client will be responsible for any costs associated (including YM technician time) with investigating a claimed defect that is determined to have not been the result of defective materials or workmanship.
  5. Failure to properly file and document a claim as specified herein may void this warranty.